Purchase Poultry and Supplies
Poultry Purchase

Chicks will be hatching:
January 20th 2024, continuing semi monthly throughout the year.
We will update you here what is available. Chicks will be sold on a first come, first served basis with availability posted here.
Always purchase double the amout of chicks for hens you want. This allows for the 50/50 male-female ratio in unsexed chicks.
Currently we are sold out of pullets.
We are focusing on chick sales for 2024 over hatching egg sales. **Currently we have no hatching eggs available, but when we do we will post them here.
We are not taking orders at this time.
**Please realize there is HUGE demand for pullets and POL and VERY SHORT SUPPLY**
We will offer them here when we have them, on a first come, first served basis. We do not take orders or waitlists. (psssst…The fastest, surest way to get pullets and POL is to GROW YOUR OWN).